01 02 03 Financial Statements 04 6. Segment information continued Period ended 31 December 2017 Intersegment Pharmacy and transactions and Healthcare services distribution Medical insurance consolidation Total Healthcare service revenue 263,357 – – (9,745) 253,612 Revenue from pharma – 450,315 – (11,957) 438,358 Net insurance premiums earned – – 53,710 31 53,741 Revenue 263,357 450,315 53,710 (21,671) 745,711 Cost of healthcare services (150,572) – – 10,846 (139,726) Cost of sales of pharmaceuticals – (340,210) – 750 (339,460) Cost of insurance services and agents’ commissions – – (48,583) 10,057 (38,526) Costs of services (150,572) (340,210) (48,583) 21,653 (517,712) Gross profit 112,785 110,105 5,127 (18) 227,999 Other operating income 20,507 1,329 255 (608) 21,483 Salaries and other employee benefits (30,998) (40,679) (3,601) (152) (75,430) General and administrative expenses (16,392) (31,180) (1,636) 590 (48,618) Impairment of healthcare services, insurance premiums and other receivables (4,107) (44) (479) 455 (4,175) Other operating expenses (11,724) (677) (102) (608) (13,111) (63,221) (72,580) (5,818) 285 (141,334) EBITDA 70,071 38,854 (436) (341) 108,148 Depreciation and amortisation (22,699) (2,110) (895) – (25,704) Interest income 1,481 217 463 (50) 2,111 Interest expense (14,182) (12,153) (1,258) 50 (27,543) Net (losses)/gains from foreign currencies and currency derivatives (3,875) (2,065) 34 – (5,906) Net non-recurring expense (3,425) (1,496) (200) 341 (4,780) Profit/(Loss) before income tax expense 27,371 21,247 (2,292) – 46,326 Income tax benefit expense (11) (65) (1) – (77) Income tax expense, deferred – – (309) – (309) Profit/(Loss) for the period 27,360 21,182 (2,602) – 45,940 Other comprehensive loss not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: revaluation of properties (4,866) – – – (4,866) Total comprehensive income for the year 22,494 21,182 (2,602) – 41,074 151